Thursday 7 April 2011

Graphing with Google Charts

We use Google charts to show various issue metrics. As is typical of a Smalltalk developer, I built my own class to manage the API calls. When I first looked into Google charts (two years ago, I think) I could not find community sourced options and building my own proved educational. Props to those that do build general purpose Seaside components, it's not trivial. My stuff is narrowly focused, and even that took some work.
My latest update added 'age' colours to an issue backlog bar graph. Something that may look like this...

Simple enough to do, but I tripped over an interesting API quirk. Originally, if you wanted to show a stacked bar graph, each value needed to have the lower value added to it (using cht=bvo, for chart type bar, vertical, overlap). So, if you wanted to show a bar with 10, 20, 15, 12 as stacked colours, the series was defined as 10, 30, 45, 57. Works great and it's easy to write the code to adjust the numbers. But, if one of the numbers is zero, the simple adjustment fails. If we want to graph 10, 20, 0, 12, the adjustment would be 10, 20, 20, 32.  But, that second 20 ends up overlaying the colour of the first 20.  What you really want is 10, 20, 0, 32.

At least that was true back then.  Using the Chart Wizard shows that you can use...

chtt=Vertical+bar+chart get as stacked chart like this in the Live Chart Playground...

It's stuff like this that makes the general purpose Seaside graph components impressive.  My original charts used cht=bvo instead of cht=bvs. Maybe it was supported, but I didn't see it (Actually, I still use the cht=bvo in order to keep the legend order the same as the graph colours). It takes time to keep up on all this, while still doing your regular job.  Thanks to those that do.

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